In an ever-changing world, the preservation of heritage and architectural buildings and structures is very important in providing a sense of identity and continuity for future generations. Heritage and architectural buildings and structures represent the past history and culture of our nation; they are physical links to our past and contribute to our cultural and economic wellbeing.
Buildings/structures mature at differing speeds depending on the external fabric. A buildings’ facade is the largest and most important element in its overall aesthetics and technical performance. A property’s value can be increased, and any damage reduced, by ensuring its appearance and workings are modern, clean and functional and by keeping the roof and wall watertight internal damage can be eliminated. Building facade restoration improves the marketability of the internal spaces within the structure, increases rental values and even attracts new businesses into an area.
As the trend of re-purposing old spaces for offices, apartments and other commercial space continues, there’s a need for a specific area of building maintenance to keep these older buildings looking pristine. Whether the space is an old structure or a more modern building, BUSS’ experienced heritage repair team can remove years of wear and tear off its façade. Our team will:
- Repair surviving structural membranes and systems; supplementing or replacing only the unsound material.
- Clean masonry surfaces, using gentle methods where possible, to remove harmful substances and/or to reveal deterioration.
- Ensure that repair materials match the old fabric as near as possible in colour, grain, bedding, durability and chemical composition.

Facade Repairs
The original construction materials of heritage and architectural buildings and structures are subject to a natural process of degradation over time, which is accelerated by chemical, physical and biological events. When these defects go unattended, the building or structure is left with extensive and unavoidable damage to its’ fabric. Consequently, modest spending on regular repairs will reduce the potential for costly repairs in the future, protect the fabric of the building and save money in the long term.